Frequently asked questions ...

Should high school students study computer science even if they do not want to pursue careers in STEM?

Should high school students study computer science even if they do not want to pursue careers in STEM?

Absolutely yes! Computer science can benefit high school students regardless of their career plans. It provides a strong foundation in problem-solving, logical thinking, and critical analysis that students can apply in various fields.

Additionally, it offers practical skills in software development, data analysis, and technology in high demand in today's job market. Studying computer science can also help students understand and navigate the increasingly digital world they live in.

Here are a few examples of non-STEM careers where knowledge of computer science can be crucial:

  • Marketing: With the increasing importance of digital marketing, many marketing professionals need to understand how to use technology to reach their target audiences. For example, they may use data analysis tools to track consumer behavior or create and manage digital advertising campaigns.

  • Law: In the legal field, computer science skills can be helpful in areas such as e-discovery, where large amounts of digital data must be reviewed and analyzed in legal cases. Computer science skills can also be used in patent law, where lawyers must understand technical concepts and applications.

  • Healthcare: Healthcare professionals are increasingly using technology in their work, and computer science skills can be helpful in areas such as telemedicine, where patients are treated remotely using video conferencing, and managing electronic health records.

  • Finance: Financial professionals are using computer science to automate and streamline financial processes and to develop new financial products and services. For example, algorithms and data analysis knowledge can help create and manage investment portfolios.

  • Education: Teachers and trainers are using technology in new ways to enhance the learning experience and improve student outcomes. For example, they may use virtual and augmented reality, simulation and gamification techniques, and data analysis to personalize learning and track student progress.