Frequently asked questions ...

Where can I find reputed college counselors?

Where can I find reputed college counselors?

The college counselor who advises you on your academic options can have a strong positive impact on your college and career choices. A bad one, by contrast, will leave you frustrated. The last thing you or anyone needs is to be steered onto an academic path you're not suited for or one with minimal career potential.

Here are some ways to find reputable, independent college counselors:

  • High school guidance counselor: Most high school counselors, while knowledgeable about the college admissions process, have limited time to spend on individual students. There's a good chance they've worked with college counselors and know which ones are dependable and effective. You need only ask them for recommendations.

  • Friends and family: Ask friends and family members who have recently gone through the college admission process or know someone with the names of counselors they trust.

  • Personal referrals: Ask for referrals from trusted sources in your school, such as teachers, coaches, or other educational professionals. Most of them won't have a personal stake in which counselor they refer you to and probably already know about your academic capabilities, interests, and goals.

  • College admission offices: Contact the admission offices of colleges you are interested in and ask for recommendations. You will typically be referred to counselors who have personal knowledge of the school but are unaffiliated with them.

  • Online forums: Look at online platforms like College Confidential, where students and parents discuss their experiences with college counselors.

  • Professional organizations: Search for professional organizations, such as the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), which provide lists of professional college counselors.

It's essential to thoroughly research and vet any college counselor before hiring them to ensure they fit your needs and goals well. If possible, you should schedule an in-person meeting with them to make sure of this fact.

If your student is enrolled in 2Sigma School, ask your admissions coordinator for personalized recommendations.